Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

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Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:09 pm

Let's play with Oloid ;-)

Take 5 Oloids and attach them one by one each time from the same side until you get a rosette.
It's a near miss. You have to cheat with the 5th one.

I made 2 variants.

Variant 1: the Christmas star (good timing isn't it?).
The branches of the star are made up of the vertical side of the oloid and the rotation takes place around the horizontal part of the oloid. What makes it disappear besides. We therefore no longer see any trace of a complete oloid in the final result. It is as if a double star shines in the center of the structure.
These are zooms on photos I took some time ago where this shape was not the main subject. Sorry for the poor quality :oops:

Variant 1 - front view (the blue chicken leg behind has nothing to do with our business. Nor the leopard cat toy)

Variant 1 - view of the other side

Variant 2: the pentagonal Christmas flower (a little far fetched but hey it's for Christmas ;-)).
The figure is obtained by putting in the center the vertical part of each oloid and outside the horizontal parts which figure the petals of the flower.
There are 5 spheres on which the connection of the rods is not perfect due to the angle and the lack of space. The 5th petal is also missing 2 rods.
unlike variant 1, we can clearly distinguish the oloids inside the final resulting shape. Let's play with color placement to make it more flower-like :D

Variant 2 - the pentagonal Christmas flower
Last edited by Eric on Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:20 pm

Variant 2 - side view

Variant 2 - upside down

Variant 2 - bottom view strictly from above to hide the underlayer of 10 silver rods in the center
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:25 pm

With a different color scheme. It's a flower after all! ;-)
Variant 2 - First colored pattern

Variant 2 - Second colored pattern

Variant 2 - Second colored pattern with a slightly different angle. Look how the angle is important regarding what you want to show or not in the middle of the flower (compared to the previous photo)
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:39 am

By widening the outer part of the petals I got something different. It looks like a 5 leaf clover don't you think?

Variant 2a - 5 leaf clover

However there is no longer any full oloid visible in this shape.

There is still a little resemblance

Pushing these evolutions a little further, led me to the construction of a flower with its stem.
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:13 pm

Ok, I dug in the middle taking out the upper layer of 11 rods to give it a more 3D shape and changed the color scheme ;-)
Here we are with variant 2b:

Variant 2b - Center is deeper than variant 2a

Variant 2b - Center is deeper than variant 2a

Variant 2b - Front view, new color scheme
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:37 pm

Ok let's go on with Oloids!
Peter suggested to double scale the proportions of one oloid as an exercise. Here it is!


See the howto in the instructions forum.
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:44 pm

Now let's put a fragment of the other side in each pentagonal bipyramid and get a 'Yin and yang' Oloid ;)
'Yin and yang' Oloid
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:11 am

On a suggestion from Peter in 'the Oloid' thread: long size oloid

Scale-1 Oloid - Normal size

Scale-1 Oloid - Long size (view 1)

Scale-1 Oloid - Long size (view 2)

I added the howto in the 'Oloid howto' thread ;-)
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:16 am

Now : extra long size oloid

Scale-1 Oloid - Extra long size (view 1)

Scale-1 Oloid - Extra long size (view 2)

Howto also in the 'Oloid howto' thread ;-)
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Re: Oloid delirium (Christmas decoration inside)

Postby Eric » Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:25 am

Let's go further.
What about the twisted Oloid? ;-)

Could it be possible to twist that thing?

I cheated a bit, but hey! that's my secret ;-)
Scale-1 extra long size twisted Oloid (view 1)

Scale-1 extra long size twisted Oloid (view 2)

So Peter, what do you think of this one?
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